Their diet is fruit and plant materials including leaves, bark, flowers, and nut, occasionally they feast on insects and small mammals
Orang-utans accumulate fat in winter to prepare for the monsoon season in April through to October, when food is scarce. Orang-utans are solitary creatures. Except when mating, adults usually travel and forage for food independently. When a female is ready to mate, she will seek out an adult male. The pair will stay together for several days until the female is pregnant, then they will resume their solitary ways.
Females give birth to a single infant about once every 4 to 8 years. Infants stay very close to their mother for the first 3 years until they are weaned. They spend the next 3 to 5 years becoming increasingly independent of their mother, gaining complete independence at about 8 years of age
Occasionally, an adult female with a youngster will pair up with another adult female and her young for up to 3 days, during which time the youngsters play together.
Although it is illegal to kill, own, or export orang-utans, poaching continues. Also, the orang-utan habitat is rapidly diminishing as a result of large-scale logging and burning of forests. The massive forest fires on Sumatra and Borneo in 1997 and 1998 killed thousands of orang-utans and destroyed the habitat of thousands more, endangering the survival of the species.

This is my Website on Orangutans,I hope you like it!